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Breast augmentation surgery is an excellent solution for any woman who feels like their bust is lacking and wishes to enhance the overall shape and size. It is also recommended to women who feel their bust size is disproportionate to their body size or simply too small for their taste. Other patients may opt for breast implant surgery to help balance out volume loss or regain a symmetrical shape after weight loss or body fluctuations.

For many women in Australia, breast augmentation is the perfect solution! The procedure can be carefully customised to suit the individual needs of different patients to help deliver incredible results. Finding a highly qualified and skilled cosmetic medical clinic can help you understand the various implant options and navigate the actual procedure to ensure you make the best decisions based on your needs. With different breast implant shapes, textures, sizes and materials to choose from, finding a physician and cosmetic medical facility that you truly love can allow you to be more confident and well-informed when making a decision.

It’s important to remember that breast implant surgery is still considered a major procedure and it is a decision that should not be taken lightly. There is a potential for infection, risks, implant rejection and other complications, although they can be greatly reduced when you find an experienced and dependable surgeon. Scarring is also a major concern for many patients, as it can often be an inevitable side effect of trauma to the skin. Thankfully, there are ways to help reduce this risk, too! Here are some of our favourite tips.


Helpful Ways to Reduce Scarring After Breast Implants

If you have ever gotten a bad injury or undergone some type of surgery, you know that the body’s natural healing response often involves leaving some type of scar behind. For some, these can serve as gentle reminders of childhood antics or medical battles. For cosmetic procedures patients, on the other hand, a scar can distract from the final product and impact their desired results.

Unfortunately, there is no sure-fire way to absolutely guarantee no scarring will occur, so it is important to have realistic expectations before undergoing breast implant surgery. Thankfully, however, there are plenty of ways to help prevent or reduce visible scarring and scar tissue from forming.

Follow Instructions Carefully

It may sound easy, but breast implant surgery recovery can sometimes be uncomfortable. Compression garments are typically recommended for the first couple of weeks (or longer), and patients are required to sleep on their backs. Plus, post-op patients will have limited mobility and will be forced to refrain from certain activities. Because of this, it can be tempting to cheat a bit and stray from your surgeon’s explicit instructions, even if it is only once or twice.

This could potentially increase the risk of side effects, including scarring, fluid build-up and breast implant pain. Putting an unnecessary strain on the surgical site could potentially rip the implants or cause complications to occur during the healing process. In addition to visible scarring, internal scar tissue can be concerning, and could potentially lead to capsular contracture.

It’s always recommended to plan accordingly before your surgery, so you can have an extra set of hands around the house to help with everyday things like caring for children, opening overhead cabinets and brushing or washing your hair.


Massage the Implants

Manually stimulating the skin around the incision sites and implants can help to increase circulation in the area. It also helps deliver gentle pressure to the area, which can help soften scar tissue. In turn, this may reduce the appearance of scarred skin. Patients are recommended to do this as often as possible. Talk to your surgeon about the best method to do so without hurting yourself or causing more discomfort to the area. Massaging the area can also help with breast implant pain after surgery.


Topical Products

Once your incisions are fully healed, you may consider incorporating topical creams or oils into the mix. Products like vitamin E oil, cocoa butter, Mederma or FDA-approved silicone sheets can help to soften the appearance of wounded skin and reduce visible scarring over time. Arnica creams and gels can also be applied at this time to help with any residual breast implant pain or tightness.


Stay Healthy and Hydrated

Did you know drinking plenty of water and eating a nutritional diet can not only help reduce scarring but it can also help with any breast implant pain? When your body is properly nourished, it has more energy to kickstart its natural healing response, which can send regenerative tissue and promote the growth of new cells. This means new, fresh skin can form over the incision site, instead of creating damaged scar tissue. Avoiding smoking, staying out of the sun, and wearing plenty of sunscreen can also help reduce the appearance of a visible scar after breast implants.


Finding the Right Surgeon For You in Sydney

At Refine Cosmetic Clinic, our resident cosmetic doctor, Dr Ron Paul Bezic, uses expert techniques to perform breast augmentation on patients. He works carefully to reduce breast implant pain and scarring after procedure whenever possible. Call us today at (02) 8880 9053 to schedule a FREE consultation at our facility in Bondi Junction!

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