Breast implants have been a controversial topic for many years. The debates about whether they are safe or not can be seen all over the internet, as people take sides and share their arguments to try to convince others that they are right. In this blog post, we will explore why some women choose to remove breast implants and how you can prevent them from getting there in the first place.
What Are Breast Implants?
Breast implants are medical devices used to increase the size of the breasts. They are often made from silicone and filled with saline or silicone gel. Breast implants can be placed either above or below the muscle in the chest.
Why Do People Get Breast Implants?
One of the most popular reasons for getting breast augmentation surgery is to improve self-esteem and body image. Some people feel that their breasts are too small or not shapely enough, and they believe that implants will make them look better. Additionally, many women who have had children find that their breasts lose volume and firmness after breastfeeding. Breast implants can help restore the appearance of breasts that have lost volume or firmness.
What is Breast Implant Removal Surgery
Breast implant removal is also known as explant. The most common reasons women remove their breast implants are capsular contracture, pain, and loss of volume over time. Capsular contracture causes the scar tissue around the implants to harden and tighten. This can lead to chronic pain and discomfort in the chest area. Alternatively, some women want to remove their implants because they no longer feel it is necessary to keep them or uncomfortable. There are many steps to avoid these complications down the road.
Reasons For Breast Implant Removal
People get breast implant surgery for a variety of reasons. This is a good thing for individuals who want to improve their body image, but some girls and boys get breast implants for the wrong reasons. Here are some of the different things that can make people get breast implant removal.
Breast Implant Illness (BII)
First off, let’s discuss the big one. Breast implant illness (BII) is a condition that causes an illness in someone who has breast implants. There are many different symptoms of this condition, but none of them is desirable to have to go through. Some people remove their implants to get better and feel better about themselves again.
Capsular Contracture
This is also a serious condition that can lead to removing a person’s implants. The capsular contracture is a hardening of the scar tissue around the implant, causing pain and sometimes even infection.
Ruptured Breast Implant
This is an easy reason for breast implant removal- because if there is a rupture, there may be silicone inside your body, which is not something you want.
One breast may be significantly different in size from the other, which can be a source of insecurity for some people.
Migration of the Breast Implants
The breast implant may move out of its original position over time, which again can be a cause of insecurity or discomfort.
Poor Appearance of Breasts
Some people get breast implant removal because they feel that they don’t look good. Of course, this is a very personal decision, and it’s up to each patient to make this call.
How to Remove Breasts Implant
There are many reasons why a patient may choose to remove a breast implant. Some of the most common causes include: implant rupture, capsular contracture, infection, and dissatisfaction with the surgery results.
Suppose you are considering having your breast implants removed. In that case, it is essential to consult with a board-certified cosmetic doctor to discuss the best option for you. There are a few different ways to do a breast implant removal procedure. However, the type of surgery will depend on the individual’s needs and goals.
Some of the most common methods of breast implant removal include:
Surgical Excision
This surgical procedure is the most common and direct way for breast implant removal. During this type of surgery, the surgeon will remove the existing implant by creating an incision around it. This method is suitable for patients with one implant because both implants can be removed during a single surgery session. For patients with two or more implants, excision will need to be performed on each breast implant.
Open Capsulectomy
This surgery is similar to surgical excision, but the surgeon will remove the capsule (or scar tissue) that has formed around it instead of removing the implant. This is a good option for patients who have experienced capsular contracture or implant rupture.
This minimally invasive surgical procedure uses small incisions and a tiny camera to remove the implants. It can be an outpatient procedure and usually does not require any type of implant removal; only the scar tissue must be removed around the implant.
If you consider having your breast implants removed because they are causing you pain, this is not the right option. However, suppose you are having your implants removed because of discomfort or to remove excess skin or fat tissue that has become unsightly due to the implantation. In that case, liposuction may be a good option.
Breast lift
In some cases, breast lift surgery can be used as breast implant removal surgery. Suppose the implants have caused the breasts to sag. In that case, a breast lift can be performed simultaneously as implant removal to improve the appearance of the breasts.
The best type of surgery for you will depend on your individual circumstances and goals. It is essential to discuss all of your options with your surgeon to decide the best way to remove your breast implants.
If you are having problems with your breast implants, it is vital to have them removed as soon as possible. Waiting too long can cause further damage and may require more extensive surgery.
How To Prevent Breast Implants Removal
What can be done to prevent these things from happening in the first place?
There are a few key things to keep in mind if you consider getting breast implants. First of all, make sure you go to a reputable surgeon and do your research. Ask around for recommendations, and find someone who has a lot of experience with this procedure.
Also, be sure to ask lots of questions. Find out about the risks and side effects of the surgery, and make sure you are comfortable with what your surgeon is telling you.
And finally, be patient. It can take a while for your body to adjust to the implants, so don’t expect them to look perfect right away. Give yourself time to heal, and you’ll enjoy the end result even more.
Is It Painful to Have Breast Implants Removed?
There is no definitive answer to this question since everyone experiences pain differently. However, most women report that breast implant removal surgery is not overly painful. With that said, it is still a surgical procedure, so there will be some discomfort involved. Your doctor or surgeon can give you more specific information about what to expect regarding pain levels.
What are The Surgical Risks and Complications of Not Getting Breast Implant Removal Surgery?
There are several risks associated with leaving breast implants in place, including:
- implant rupture
- capsular contracture
- implant displacement
- infection
- bleeding
These breast implant complications and risks can potentially lead to several health problems, including pain, inflammation, scarring and even death.
How can Breast Implants Be Prevented From Rupturing?
There are a few things that can be done to help prevent breast implants from rupturing and to improve fast recovery, including:
- following the surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care
- changing the saline solution every few months
- keeping track of the frequency and type of mammograms performed so that any potential rupture can be found and corrected early
These steps will help to prolong the lifespan of a woman’s breast implants and reduce her risk of experiencing complications in the future. However, it can still prove to be an expensive undertaking, as the cost of keeping breast implants in place can exceed the cost of removing them.
Can You Remove Implants and Not Replace Them?
There are a few reasons you might want breast implant removal surgery. You may have had them for a while, and they’ve started to sag, or maybe you’re experiencing pain or other side effects. In some cases, you may not even have implants – perhaps you’ve just had a mastectomy and need to remove the breast tissue that was once there.
No matter the reason, removing breast implants is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. Here are some things to think about before making your decision:
- Implants are not permanent – they will eventually need to be replaced.
- Breast implant removal surgery is more complicated and risky than implantation surgery.
- There is a chance your breasts will sag even more after the procedure.
- You may experience changes to your breast size and shape due to surgery. Implants can make breasts firmer and remove some stretch marks that sometimes come with pregnancy. Still, they will not remove sagging or drooping completely.
What Is The Average Cost of Breast Implant Removal
The average cost of breast implant removal surgery can range from $1,500 to $8,000. This price can vary depending on the surgeon’s fees, the location of the surgery, and any additional costs for anesthesia, medical tests, or hospitalization.
Getting Breast Implants By An Experienced Surgeon In Australia
Though it is not life-threatening, breast implants can be risky for your health. The key to preventing the complications is understanding why they happen in the first place and making sure you take precautions before considering a procedure with them.
If you have any questions about what we discussed here or how these risks might affect you personally, feel free to reach us out at (02) 8880 9053 anytime!
We hope this article has been helpful for those of you who are considering getting a breast augmentation but want more information on their possible consequences beforehand. Also, please let us know if there’s anything else we could help answer!
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