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Breast implant surgery is one of the top procedures in Australia for women who wish to enhance, alter or correct the current size or shape of their bust. It is a delicate procedure that should be carefully customised to suit every patient’s needs based on their unique figure and aesthetic goals. As much, women may explore the possibility of getting breast implants for many years without making a decision.

It’s important to remember that breast implants are a big commitment and undergoing the procedure can require months of downtime and recovery. There is also a financial investment to consider, particularly for a higher end procedure with teardrop or even larger sized implants.

Preparing and planning a breast implant surgery can take several visits and patients may wish to explore a variety of options to ensure that they are getting the best choice for them. The best way to achieve this is through a cosmetic medical facility that offers hands-on care and attention every step of the way. In Sydney, Dr Ron Paul Bezic works with women seeking breast augmentation and body contouring procedures.

Scheduling a consultation is a great place to start, so you can explore your options! You can also ask questions about what you can expect before, after and even during the procedure so you can have a better understanding of the entire experience.


What To Know Before Breast Implant Surgery

For many patients, finding the right surgeon can be tricky. In addition to choosing a surgeon that is well-qualified and has a great success rate with breast implants, you want to select a physician that can meet your unique needs.

Breast Implants
Since everyone’s body type is not equal, it is important to find a surgeon that has experience with patients that have similar needs to yours.

A great way to look into their past history and see the results of previous patients is through breast implants before and after pictures!

You can also ask for testimonials or reviews from patients who have received the same procedure. In most cases, this information is available online.

Since there are so many different ways to approach breast implant surgery, be sure to ask for examples of various incision and placement types. You can also ask your facility about the different implant textures and shapes that they offer.

Remember, the breast implant procedure should be carefully tailored to suit your unique needs, and pictures of breast implants before and after may not entirely reflect what your results will be.


Preparing for Your Breast Surgery Before and After

Once you have decided on the size, shape, incision and placement type for your unique set of breast implants, it is time to schedule your surgery! The first few weeks leading up to your procedure are extremely important, as this is the time to prepare yourself and your body for the upcoming appointment. Your surgeon will also review this with you, but in the first two weeks leading up to breast implant surgery, patients will be advised to:

  • Stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen or other NSAIDs.
  • Stop smoking tobacco or using nicotine.
  • Stop drinking alcohol, even if it’s a glass of wine.
  • Stop taking herbal supplements, including green tea extract, Biloba, garlic and more.

The use of NSAIDs and alcohol can thin your blood, while tobacco and herbal supplements can prolong the healing process and causing swelling or inflammation to occur.

Around this time, you should also plan for someone to help you get home from your procedure, as well as help you around the house for the first few days.

In the days leading up to your surgery, you’ll want to start stocking up on comfort foods that don’t require much effort to make or eat. We recommend filling any prescriptions and picking up some helpful items that will make your recovery time easier, such as comfy clothes and extra pillows. You’ll also want to brush your hair before your appointment, as you won’t be able to do so for some time after your procedure.


At Refine Cosmetic Clinic, we work with our patients every step of the way to ensure they are fully prepared for their breast implant procedure. Call us today at  (02) 8880 9053 to schedule a free consultation at our facility in Bondi Junction!

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